About Us

Our Organization
Our mission is to preserve and celebrate German musical heritage and culture, develop the musicianship of band instrumentalists, and foster camaraderie among fellow musicians and performers .… and have a lot of fun doing it!
We are a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) organization. We raise funds through our festival performances, concerts, our annual Jägerfest, and through donations. The funds we raise go towards the betterment of the band through instruments, music, travel costs and supporting other members of the German community in Cleveland.

The Band
We are a Blaskapelle, which is German for Brass Band. However that term is used loosely and often includes woodwinds as well as brass and percussion which is the make-up of the DMV. There are over 50 musicians associated with the DMV and we average 20 – 30 performers at most of our performances but can shrink down to a baker’s dozen if need be. On average we perform around 20 times each year. Primarily we perform across greater Cleveland but have made many appearances throughout Ohio and the Midwest and two tours to Germany and Austria.

Our Performers
We have a very diverse group of volunteer performers - executives, skilled tradesman, teachers, repair technicians, nurses, high school & college students and retirees from all across the Cleveland metro area from past Oberlin to the West, Euclid and Richmond Heights to the East and as far away as Youngstwon. But we all enjoy creating beautiful music, performing and getting together with great people - our DMV family.
Do you play an instrument? Then we should talk! Just because we have a large stable of musicians doesn't mean we don't have space for new members! Some members don't have the time to perform as much as they would like, but they still stay engaged. And guess what, you do not have to be German to join the group and we don't make you audition!

Our Director
Herr Direktor, Fred Ziwich, is one of the seminal musicians in the world of polka. He is one of the most versatile musicians ever on the Cleveland polka scene. A wunderkind on several instruments including the clarinet and button box. The DMV is proud to have the award-winning, Grammy nominee Fred at the helm, bringing his composing, arranging and polka expertise – you need to hear his arrangement of “We’re An Oktoberfest Band.” In addition to his work with the DMV, Fred performs many solo gigs, leads the ISM – the International Sound Machine and has a very health recording life. Check him out on Fackbook, www.facebook.com/fred.ziwich. In his free time he enjoys rainbows, the Cleveland Indians and long walks along the beach.

Hans und Franz
Hans und Franz, like Belushi and Akroyd or Laurel and Hardy there just aren’t words to sum them up. These two characters are the animated, dynamic duo of the DMV. From skits to videos they have brought some of the most memorable moments ever seen at many of our Jägerfest celebrations. Watch for more antics from these two wild and crazy guys. You may even see them wandering the streets of Cleveland – if you do, do not attempt to feed the animals and give us a call so we can round them up. Check them out on Facebook, www.facebook.com/eieieioeioeio.

Our Leadership
The few, the brave, the man behind the curtain…or in our case the men and women behind the curtain. All of the members of the DMV pitch in and help out where they can and we appreciate and thank all of them! But we would like to acknowledge our two boards that deal with all the events, social media, planning, financial, legal, insurance, etc. stuff.
Board of Trustees
Greg Spangler – Chairperson
Christine Fowkes
Hannelore Gross
Dave Goebel
Reiner Mueller
Kenny Ott
Andi Udris
Executive Board
Christine Fowkes – President
Rosie Wittine – First Vice President
Carl Vavpot – Second Vice President
Jim Teubner – Secretary
Doug Marxen – Treasurer
Amy Vavpot – Performance Coordinator

Our Rehearsals
We’re always looking for new performers! If you play a band instrument and live in the greater Cleveland area, please contact us. We rehearse Monday nights (except during the height of 'Fest season!) at 8:30 p.m. Grab your instrument, jump in the car, and come on out to the Cleveland Donauschwaben German-American Cultural Center (aka "Lenau Park"), located at 7370 Columbia Road in Olmsted Township, less than a 25 minute drive west of downtown Cleveland.